SuseAmertrade Latin America C.A.Tux

Diez anos de Suse Linux


Suse Learning

Solicitud de soporte Técnico

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Tracking de paquetes / Track a Package

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Validar No. de guía / Validate Airwaybills

Verificación de documentos / Document's verify

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Document's number

Channel information for 802.11b/802.11g and 802.11a
Información de canales para redes 802.11b/802.11g y 802.11a
FCC 802.11 Frequency/Channel Allocations

Channels allocations for 802.11b/802.11g Wifi networks

RMA Policy / Politicas de RMA

El programa de garantía y satisfacción le brinda la posibilidad al cliente de retornar un producto para reparación, cambio o reembolso. Favor lea todas las instrucciones a continuación para el procedimiento de retorno.

Condiciones generales del RMA:

Libros disponibles:

SuSE Enterprise Server 9 What´s news (en)PDF
SuSE Enterprise Server 9 Administration and Installation (en) (bzip2 compress)PDF
SuSE Enterprise Server 9 Start-Up Guide (en)PDF
SuSE Enterprise Server 8 DataSheet (en)PDF
Suse Open Exchange Server Administration Manual 4.1 (en)PDF
Suse Open Exchange Server User Manual 4.1 (en)PDF
Suse Open Exchange Server Brochure (en)PDF
Suse Open Exchange Server Features, Functions and Benefits (en)PDF
Suse Open Exchange Server Integration wiht Ms Outlook (en)PDF
Migration Ms Echange Server 5.5 --> Suse Open Exchange Server (en)PDF
Migration Ms Echange Server 5.5 --> Suse Open Exchange Server (de)PDF
Linux Client Migration Cookbook (en)PDF
Manual for PABX-PBX OEM 208M/308MPDF
SCSI Connectors, cable lenght and picturesPDF

Drivers y utilidades para descarga / Drivers and utilities

Sinocan P10-L driverRAR
Sinocan P06 P10 P11 P13 LUS driverZIP
Ammyy 3.5 Remote control softwareEXE

Copyright Amertrade Latin America C.A. - Maracay, Venezuela. MMII